what should the punishment be for men who batter and/or beat their wives, partners ??? does it happen more than we dread to think ??? why isnt it reported more to the fuzz ?? it is the lowest of the...
nothing worth reading tonight so i think i will just check my euro lottery then have a good glass of grouse then of to bed unless someone has something interesting to say
Hi, guys! I have a special friend who is going through a really, really bad time at the moment and I wanted to send her something to let her know that I'm always thinking of her. She's a good few...
Great night last night. Went to see Lee Evans at the Brighton Centre. With all the doom and gloom around it was just the tonic I needed. Laughed absolutely loads, he really is a very funny man....
what ever happened to the dodgy kids that used to hang around outside kwik-save menacingly looking for a penny for the guy (bunch of rolled up socks on the ground)
Hello birthday girl , have a really lovely day . Happy birthday xxxxx http://msp182.photobucket.com/albums/x83/winwi n1111/Birthday/HappyBirthdayFlowers.jpg
Just got my hair done, did the t zone with foils, popped some toner on it, washed it then dried it,snipped it, then tonged it, hey ho ?62 plus tip total ?64 and they say theres a credit crunch!!!
Happy birthday to you Dot , have a super day hun xxxxx http://www.grandprofile.com/Myspace_Comments/H appy_Birthday_Comments/images/Happy-Birthday-1 9.gif
Well its now the 29th and i havent heard a firework go off,this must be a record, i am going out later so i am hoping there isnt going to be any going off i can only hope!!!!
Are you someone who can't be bothered to change from the one which was on when you got it or do you change it every week? Mine at the moment is Uninvited by the Freemason but want that Begging song....