A Primary Teacher explains to her class that she is a Liverpool fan. She asks her students to raise their hands if they too are Liverpool fans. Everyone in the class raises their hand except one...
Something I`ve been pondering on, our individual reasons for conversing on AB. Catching up on some late night threads (Wing Flying, for instance) made me try to envisage under which circumstances a...
My friend won a week in Barcelona for sending a chat up line to a Radio Station in the W Mids: "If i could rewrite the alphabet i would put U and I together" Groan
I have seen loads of couples walking down the street holding hands over the last couple of days and this is in Plymouth of all places which in my view is one of the most violent and disfuctional...
Both my kids have gone off to uni, I've got a job I hate, live in an area I loathe and the clocks go back soon so I'll never see daylight. Can anyone offer any glimmer of hope?
Taken me ages to post this! Well I gave up trying to get back to sleep a while ago so am sat with tea and toast watching the hamster bouncing around:) Getting the sniffles going round at work and not...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-106727 7/The-latest-bizarre-fashion-accessory--tear-j ewellery-hangs-eyeball.html I can see that would be very irritating - you'd subconsciously wipe at your...
The question last night was ... what was the last text message you received? Mine was rubbish. But now ... !!!!!!!!!!!! At last ... a jolly text message. My last text message said ... "J, do u fancy...