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Absolutely stuck in the top Right hand corner, Help Please. 4a. 9 letters, Lancashire town, B???????L or N , 5d 7 letters Boosted, informal, ??P?D??, 13a 7 letters, Examination, ??R???L .Help with...
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8d the belief in two equal gods d-t-e-s-
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A contest or fight, especially a boxing or wrestling match. B-L-...
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Hi guys,last one, 8 down The belief in two equal gods.8 letters. D- T- E- S- .Thanks.
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granny helen
40. a real crocks fan 5, 6. hope you can help me with this one.
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34a makes solid stage scenes (4) s??s 4a face of lidper shows conviction (5) ??i?h 67a Turner writes same article in French and English (5) l?t?e 4d advanced for age but impudent (7) ??r?a?d...
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d/record stuck with 2 11down taped from tv (7) letters _ i _ e _ e _ 74down cure antidote r _ m _ l _ i dolls house for 88 across play home for kids 5 &5 kids playhouse any help please...
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3a stay very close to a plant 10 -t-c-t-g-t sticktight?
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3a Stay very close to a plant (10) ---C-TIGHT 10a Stop directors getting building material (10) ---C-BOARD 4d Mark lied about time before (5) ----E...
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59 Across - Hurt (4) ?a?n (Pain ?
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my next door neighbour, on seeing me load the car up with my bag of grass cuttings for the tip, said what he does is to sprinkle his cuttings over the green opposite. His argument is that when the...
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25D. Main part or body of a vetrebra, to which the arches and processes are attached. 7 letters 28D. Outer and thinner of the tow bones between the knee and ankle in a human leg. 6 letters...
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unit of luminous intensity equal to one candela per sq.m. 22across
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concentrated mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids used in metallurgy for dissolving metals, including gold 5down 4,5...
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scientific study of the behaviour of animals in their normal environment 8down 8 letters
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Why is she so irritating, why does she have to keep standing up "oh look at me I'm famous" and fawning over Simon and those inane comments "Oh look its a Yorkshire Terrier!". I wish she would stay...
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3 down look right inside for feed ( 5 letters) g?a?e is it grape or glare Many thanks for your help...
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they are the ground, the books, the ******** 35across...
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22a) unit of luminous intensity equal to one candela per square metre. n?t
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6d , To make a higher bid in bridge;or, in poker, an increase in a stake (5) r+I+e 12a, Book in a series by Michel Roux that includes Eggs, Pastry and Sauces (8), is that desserts ?...

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