8a ill humour is best on the radio[5] ???u? 10a swimming backing a 75% cut ?r?a? orca? 16a famous rapper lost one thousand books [7]?m?n?n? 22a opening for short entertainer? [4] v??? vent? 23a no end...
Help please. Think I have something wrong here. 25a - The first earl of ..... statesman and historian advisor to Charles 2nd F?A?E?E>N 37a - A cheer of joy, victory etc H?O??G Letters shown are...
11a such riotous scenes in bachelor's wild parties?(4,4) ????, p??? 16a Number with girls's name recalled in Beatles song (7,3) 17d Expressions of surprise about German male in TV quiz (8) ?g?h?a??...
Hi. Firstly Hope you're all having a good Easter. Completely stuck on today's Crusader Prize so need a helping hand please. 1a part of city got the redevelopment ??E??? 18a. At home, addiction is...
Hi still struggling with 16a airless & hot. Arid doesn't fit at all. If either explicit or implicit is correct for 10d then 16a would either start with x or m.if anyone can help
Hi still struggling king with 16a If explicit or implicit us correct then 16a would either start with x or m 11d light summer shoe which I think is sandal which makes 16a either m?a? Or x?a?. I just...
Hi stuck on a couple of clues if anyone can help. Thanks in advance
10d precisely and clearly stated ???l?c?t
16a hot and airless ??a?
22a weird specimen ?r?a?