16a, the total body of work of an artist or composer a---r- 22a, senseless actions or remarks -n-n-t-t- 7d, a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of activity or excitement...
7 down (A feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of activity or excitement (5)) E _ _ _ _. 16 across (The total body of work of an artist, author or composer 6)) O _ _ _ R _ ....
50D Tropical American plant with tall flower stalks rising from a massive rosette of thick fleshy leaves(5) 51D Solemn pronouncements to affirm the truth of statements, or pledge a person to a course...
29a In Hinduism any of the four major hereditary classes. c---- 30d a metal urn for making tea --m---r 39a causing anger or annoyance -f-e-s--- 4d offences against religious or moral principles s-n-...