13a This one's fast as lightning. I hear you saying (4) 15a Plant possessing a leafy extract. (4) 16d Late additions to newspapers don't make pleasant reading (10) 17d Commons complaint among cavemen...
3d/25a. "I am who am" says this one adamantly [5,6] 7d. For some numbskulls it's just a list of numbers [4] ?e?? 11a. Batsman must be in for the long haul[3,3] n?t??? 24d. Who has this hue on his face...
1d Only way to get over information Technology in time? (4-2-4) ?i?e -?t-?o??
24d Going down here but they keep going up! (5) ?e?t?
20a A time of some common certitude.... (4) ???e...
Hi, I cannot figure this one out this week, please help.2d and 23d the clue is the letters wheels going around in a circle side by side, the letters I have are ?k?t?? r?????? 12a preposterous in a...
11a definitive test for a chemist? 6 letters... L-T---: 24/7d He lost his crown in more ways than one, but sent the Dane-a-packing! 6,4: -r-a, -o-- 23d: bad enough to be sought after? 6, l-n-e- 20a,...
Clues for Across are = 8/3D Am I out of Material to reconstruct the old school.(4,5) 10A They make hurleys when heartless learner cuts out(3,5) 22/24D W r l s conductions .(5,4) Clues for Down are =...
Hi, stuck on last few, 28a No need to claim the 5th as everyones in for scrapping and scraping (4,3,3)?r?e ?o? ??? 27a Dinner for 5 So where might you be (2,3,3) ?? ??e ?o? 24d purloined an ancient...
*a SEA___ if your'e fishing for a Grand National fancy (4) 9a Must be acknowledged i hospitalised (2,3,5 ) 13a Sterling sportsman of past track records (4) Confederates from Cork (4) 20across 21a...