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I have worked for this company for approx 6 years and in all this time have always worn jeans and t shirts provided by myself.Obviously I always wear steeltoe caps as this is PPE,and if we work on...
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I had a row with my boyfriend of 5 years and locked him out of the house. That was two weeks ago and he's still not back. He said we need a long talk and I agreed. We are talking fine, I've met him...
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i am engaged to a really lovely guy who would do anything for me and loves me to bits. last weekend i went away for a girly weekend to cheer her up a bit and met a guy whom if i was single would be my...
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does anyone know how to get rid of a perm
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Wondering how ABers would solve the problem of smelly work colleagues. And by smelly, I mean really, really pongs - I'm sitting next to the bloke in question as I write this & it literally smells...
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every time i eat peppers my stomach swells up- does this sound like IBS?
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I have an appointment at 4pm to bring my beautiful girl (Keela) in to be put to sleep. Although I have had dogs die before, I have never had to do this. Can anyone let me know what will happen please?...

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