help please 19a having sex,whatsits in good 8 12a medicine makes the organ subside,getting small3-5 9a climax of business exec.grabbing Mrs mop's tops 621a sleazy ****** has way with cyclops 6S?R???...
black 5,2and 6 letters green 7 and 5 letters red 4 and 5 letters I've searched through related sites and can't find anything. Can anyone help, I'd be grateful. Thanks Heccy
9acr Leather from cow's front and flanks I treated (8) 15acr Fine time to hide cabling I designed in data store (6,7) 19acr Tricky tune in Latin has no inverted accidental (13) 28acr French articles...
42a ship sails about locks somehow to find german castle - o - l - - - 45a just the same in bout when ali keeled over al- - - 47a japanese unit of area unit of hand measurement - s - bo 49a ely...
1d Kate - (?p?s) model variety of Geranium oxonian ! 2dSpecies name meaning "dwarf"- like grandma? (4) (?u?a) 3d Species orvariety name indicating large flowers. (11) (?r?n?i?l???) 10ac first garden?...
I am around long before dawn. But by lunch I am usually gone. You can see me summer, fall, and spring. I like to get on everything. But when winter winds start to blow; Burr, then it's time for me to...
This creeping woodland plant bears blue or white flowers I have ???I?I?G?A Any ideas please Also Question - This bookies favourite is expected to lead the pack! (4,2,4) I have Odds on ? By developing...
Hoping someone wil help with these clues. the 1st one is 2 four letter words. Clue; E.g, a thief to catch a thief...The Pattern is ?I ?E?A?T(4,4) 2nd one is a 4 letter word; Coil with a blow? T?N? ....
Last two - 11a computing program or part of a program that performs a specific task (7 letters) R--T--E, 27d Visible wooden components of a building e.g. door and window frames (7) --I-E-Y thanks in...