8a row that sounds like a reult of sorrow - - - - 9a terminal - - - / - - - - - - - 10a suspended executions of old - - - - - - - - 11a a reason to pardon - - c - - - 12a rush a pest out - - - - -
hey got some ditloids that i need help with 12 FIAM (8,2,1,4) 1182 SFOAB (5,7,2,6,4) 7 VITN (9,2,3,4) 3G (A,T & E) (6.(6,6,10) 20 MTIC (4,5,2,8) 4 PIAB (5,2,1,6)
help needed please which american pop star said " i dont know anything about music, in my line you dont have to" what is the popular name for beethovens symphony No 9 in D minor who made the famous...
Hi, please can you help? 1. A thin Welsh assassin (4, 7) 2. A right turn in May makes you livid (5, 5) 3. What Chang said to Eng (5, 5, 4, 5) 4. Not disposable (5) 5. Not the Tory PM (3, 5) 6. Stain...
Some help with the following, please! ACROSS; 39. Girl lives with legendary shepherd( 6 ): I?A?E? Clues for 7 and 16: ?AIS? And 32. E?H?R?? 40.Dance not quite over ( 3 ) DOWN:...
1. personal safety protection (4,7) ?E?F ?E?E?C? 2. very small (5) T???Y 3. tool for firing tacks (6,3) ??A?L? GUN 4. meat that should take 60 seconds to cook (6,5) M?N?T? ??E?K
10a Padraic ???. 20th century Irish writer & journalist (8) O - - - - - - - 21a Deposit chlorine on writing fluid for a pen (5) C - - N ? 2d Stem from the German I've attached (6) D - - - - E 6d...
1 dn lawn disturbed under tree primarily-this tree? 1 word 6 letters w?l??? 15 ac in florida,a place built round a cavern perhaps. 2 words 4/9 letters c???-?a??v?r??
Really late with this one. Can anyone help with 19 ac - As belief gets changed it's not ruled out. (8) -E-S---E and 20 dn Sheep delivered around middle of night (7) --G-O-N. Also can someone confirm...
Hope someone who has done this crossword can help thanks in advance 40d deviated from direct course D?R?Y?D these are the clues and answers that i have below that give me the letters for the clue...