9a stressed - - - - r - i - - - 20a dazzled by some rae education - w - - 22a such fun without er porters around - - - r - 25a is the resident magistrate sad i perplex to decommission - - - - - - 27a...
2d Muso lofty! Muso gets cape of gold, perhaps (8) 22d Old family affected by loss of 18, to adapt (6) M????? 16a Good day for revolutionary engineer on river (7) first C 20d What a postive reply to...
Last 3 left today 24acr Supporter follows six to wobbly play (7) 25d Roll which would, in dance, make a huge amount (3) 8d Scrub obstruction in river (6)
l cannot believe that l am down to my last two clues,and it is making my brain ache, 215d Impeach (A>N>I>N)and 286a Among other things,inter (A>IA), would be grateful for any help, thanks...
answer are to do with Easter or Spring 1) Cake is near (5) 2) My God! (5) 3)Hear the ship's staff see, hear it's not fact (11) 4)Miss turn, finished (8) 5)Contraction of little, why? (4) 6)Holy mad...