stuck on last two - any help appreciated please. 14a - any disease, such as quinsy, marked by painful choking attacks. A_G_ _ N _ 18d - something surgically grafted into a body _ M _ L _ N _.
I have 2 letters missing but I do have these letters for someone who turns 38 on Tuesday. (4,8) Any help apreciated.Thanks in advance. - - M W C R A R E E N O
1.asaying by alexander pope.warning .againts unwarranted arrogance when it comes to knowledge a .??????-????????-??-?-?????????-?????. 2. one of king lear,s daughters r?g?? 3. one of the monarchs...
Have already googled this and was put on to the answerbank as it had been already asked. The answer given was Marc van Basten but the clue for 22A is Ex-player and manager of the Dutch national...
(23a) Sounds like lining up but it's given the slip by disc jockeys. (6) C _ E _ N _ . (28d) Good shot might get another go. (5) C _ _ C _ . (30a) Hesitate in a way to discredit heretics. (6) _ I _ H...
Song titles and their artists-all titles contain food/drink in the title: 66)CL by G 71)PUTJ by T 89)V by FL 90)T by T 91) CG by NY 94)C by P 100) WHP by TB
stuck top left-help please 1a bird one served in stir 6 ??D??? 9a what gunner does a great deal? 5 ??A?? aim? 11a one who was bound to come back to Greek island for paintings 7 ??E???S 13a 9 sale...
Two remaining after the weekend marathon. Can someone help please. 9 down Suffusing cork with one inside, I'm first I - - - I - G and 11 across Maybe potato pot presented to Queen T - - - R Many...