Dear All - just one clue left! It's 24 across: 'French runner backing some heresies' and is 5 letters long. The ones I have are: I _ E _E
Any help at all gratefully received!
National Trust magazine crossword 3 down With their striking plumes of tiny red, pink, purple or whit flowers, this genus of blooms adds bright colour to the summer garden (7) I have A - T - L - E...
46a Belittle(7) --T-A-T
77a Degree of inclination(5) -L--E
102a Whisky island(5) -S-AY
105a Vital element(7) E--E-C-
Can anyone help please? Thank you so much in advance x...
Hi, Each answer contains the name of a tree or the word tree. Rambler's shrub? (9,4) Musical support? (8) Produced by searchlight ?(9) which I think is probably LIMElight. All help welcome....
Please can anyone help! Answers are trees of the world 1. Me and little Ronald meet in the forest--8 letters 2. Roosevelt and I are one 10 letters 3. DON BOOSTER GLARED an anagram with 7/5/4/ letters...
I have just three clues left and am completely stumped by all of them. 20a Blag five notes (5) C _ D _ _. 25a Evil male's enrolling in Open University (7) H _ _ _ O _ S 21d It describes English...