10a a person who is in possession of a house (8) i have - - c - - i - r 11a the dried plum-like fruit of various tropical trees, used in ink, dyeing and medicine (9) i have m - r - - - - - n 34a...
13a original inhabitants of the land of israel (10) i now have c - n -a - i - e - 28a second king of fourth dynasty of egypt (6) i have c - e - p - thanks in advance
17a celtic language spoken in ireland (4) i have e - - - 30a informal name for a small sturdy breed of terrier (7) i have - - - t - i - 18d shares allocated in a bonus issue (finance) (5) i have - - r...
1d - part of the brain concerned wuth basic emotion (6,6) I have -i-b-c -y-t-m 37d king of wessex, 849-99, known as the father of the english navy (6) I have A-f-e- Thanks in advance
34d fish of coastal waters with large head and tapering body (4) have g-b- 35d creed of gnostic snake reverers(6) have o-h-s- 39d greed goddess of mischief (3) have a-e thanks in advance
Otto --- , german scientist whose graphical construction determined stresses (4) have -o-r one hundredth of a leu (3) have b-n a scorpaenoid fish (6) have c-t-u- thanks in advance
21a - title of bbc2 comedy, 1969-74, in final season (5,6) i have - - - - - P - - - o - 33a - an informal term for one who takes drugs (4) i have no letters, could it be user?
23d british field marshall died 1855 who gave his name to a type of over coat 6 letter i have r - g - a - 30d the american trademark for terylene 6 letters i have d - c - o - thanks in advance