Need your help! 1. Which is the largest woodwind instrument? 2. He tilts for Scotland. 3. Which well known saying is represented by these initials LOFLAG ? Thanks for any ideas.
could any out there who comes across a good web site please post it here? i have found a good one for crossword addicts it's "onelook dictionary search" give it a try its great. regards from.ken
I'm appreciate some help with our office Pink Day crossword: 20 down: 'Children love them': ???e (4 letters)The second letter of this answer intersects with the first letter of 21 across which reads:...
Does anyone have this multifunction printer and if so, would you recommend it? After bad experiences with a couple of printers, I'd like to know more about this before buying, I've seen it locally for...
?This new catagory has been created so that our latest poll topics can be discussed? { quote from Ed Blog dated Friday 10th October .... including spelling error!} well .... a magnificent score of 10...
almost reached the finishing line! Clues please to 37) Speed and skill needed on pole with this vehicle (10) 39) Old actress with grand final performance (4, 4) 51) Native American has facts about the...
Welcome to our new home chatterbankers, shall we have a poll to see if we like it better here than on chatterbank, it sort of feels warm and cozy here thanks for our new home ed. What you think.
Either I am utterly lost intellectually or the question is the most obvious no-brainer. If the proposal is to reduce the cost of insurance cover for smokers (i.e. cut the premiums) and the question...