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i am all shakespeared out!! last one i need is: you would only need a small chair and whip for this.
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last one is driving me mad; like a james bond cocktail(3,5,2) it is a top 20 hit from the 1950's i have tried anagrams,shake,stirred,martini....
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i am missing loads of these logos are others having problems? 3 conch shell,4 cartoon rabbit,5 green train,6 golden weathervane,10 european something,14 red circle.......and on and on
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Does anyone know what the song is that is playing in the trailer for the new series of Ashes to Ashes on BBC1? thanks
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i am anagrammed out and just can not see the last one; a freebase north tryst the answer is a well known proverb thanks
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still need some of the films all answers have items from the garden in them any help greatly appreciated 4 tBe 12 tRp 17cW 27 sM 30SP 32 HR 33 detD thanks for any help
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last one that is driving me mad Cake in good health I guess it ends well and have searches norfolk for place names that are cakes but no luck
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am i being thick i can not get; a queue at the church 7.3.3or naughty boys 3.8.5.any help/clues?
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I've still got a few answers to get on this quiz but I'm completely stuck on these famous faces....33, 35, 38, 46, and 60.....Can anyone help please......c
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i am stuck on just one,good weather garden residence,i have tried;fair,mild,edan,haven,shed all with no joy thanks
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last one on this quiz and i am pulling my hair out! wind instruments need this backwards animal
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has anyone recieved a follow on quiz for disability action harrogate?,sent ?1 and s.a.e. with last one but not come. also sent ? 1 and sae for food for thought quiz also not come closing date 12 dec
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Not a trick question, no time warps, no kids playing the father as a child or anything, honestly!
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Which group recorded this years song for comic relief?
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Hey i'm sorry if this has already been asked, but couldn't find a thread that wasn't about the song. Could it really be that Carpet Monster from the Big Breakfast (back in Johnny Vaughan's day) is the...
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In the kfc advert when the man says " Shall we take this upstairs _______" What Is The Womans Name?
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What is/ and where is the sculpture that the guy in the latest vision express is photographing?
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which literary pieces end with: 1. 'Until we have wiped the last one of them from the face of the land they have usurped?'2. 'But before you could: from the time before speech you remembered and...

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