19dn It really gets up one’s nose when dealer finishes joint (7)R?????S 22ac Among the objectionable organizations A-Z, ones in this group are among the worst (3,5) ??O ?A?I? 24ac An old style...
Crow sized bird with electric blue, pinkish and cinnamon colors, rarely seen here, but has occurred (6) R?L?E?
What does a displaying Woodcock do at dusk (4) R?D?...
7dn The city round which cable carries a movement from the ballet (3) R?O 24ac Cornering in vehicle when it’s time for you to be having your go (6,4) ?A?I?G TURN? Could it be TAKING TURN or MAKING...
A few left 21dn After start of Easter, offer up last of prayers, the stick it where the sun don’t shine (5) E???? looks like EMEND?? 25dn Sounds as though you, when young, went on the run from the...
A few clues left 4ac Half of Dundee is in dish, which ought to be enough to pacify the complainant (7) P?A???? 8ac Clearly can’t see what’s on back cover when beginning of book is missing (4) ?L??...
Help needed again with a few clues, 1dn In asylums, holy part of Latin mass is not finished before non-Christian sign is given (11) S?N???????? 14dn Describes paths of projectiles if crack Allies unit...
8ac Take extended time out when pornoggraphic material involves — the ears (4) ???C 10ac Flowery piece of writing, but with a definite edge on it (8) ???M?O?? 13ac Being brave enough to swallow head...
14. How many games has James Ryan (rugby player) lost with Ireland. 26. Who replaced Ronan Flood as caddie for padraig Harrington at Czech open. 81. Which 2 counties lost 4 SFC championship matches...
Q 11. What two mythical sea monsters were invoked by a High Court judge in a warning to journalists about their coverage of the legal battle between Independent News & Media and the ODCE. Also 4...
25dn. Starter or the T de F (9) ?E?G?A??E 30dn Nightclubber in trouble again (8) CI???N?I 95dn. It’s his choice of book. (7) ?C?A?O? 112dn. Group of 14. (3) ?R? 37ac. Cricket cup (3) ??? [could be...
78ac and 45dn . No place kicker in here because he was removed after taking a knee. (5,10) ????? K?E?E?N??? 37dn. He made Golden history on a horse in Glasgow. (11) M??L?N?G?AN 64dn. THe kind of break...
Posted this in crossword section earlier.
Hoping to finish this challenge soon. All help appreciated
No 9 3 B O E, M
No 18 C G 2 H
No 20 H p20 P 1st T-C S
No 42 G 2: H H...
A few left, help always appreciated
No 9: 3 B O E, M
No 18: C G 2 H
No 20: H p20 P 1st T-C S
No 42: G 2: H H
No 47: T C by 1/2
will pass on any others if requested.
Happy Quizzing to all...