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I want to be cremated but wonder about my soul. What point in your opinion does the soul escape the body at death? Immediately? Also, which religions frown on cremation?
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What does the following mean? A hominid of this age should certainly not have the face of a moninid less than one-third of its geological age.
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I have an itchy bottom, which makes me feel like I want to scrape it with a brush. I had worms once before and bought tablets from the chemist. Having taken the one tablet cure I'm still itchy - is...
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What pet name for a dog is latin for 'I Trust'?
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Does my girlfriend (who lives with me) have rights to part of my house even though I purchased it and bought all the furniture etc
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does this answerbank thing really work goddamit??
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what is the full saying "never trust a.....bearing gifts"
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How much did it cost to post a first class letter in 1977
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I have got problem with my teeths. I brush them everyday but still there colour is "Yello". They used to be white before 5 years but now they are all yellow. I am 18 now and very upset about them....
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I am setting up a small venture and need to do a localised UK mailshot - anybody know where I can purchase mailshot addresses ?
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Do yoy have to be invited, or can you ask. How often does he give an audience, how many people get one in a typical year?
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if no contract is present what happens when dismissed
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What were the names of the leaders, and the types of government they ran (eg.Fascist, Communist etc.) in World War One? The following countries: Italy, Germany and the USSR (Russia)
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I am due to travel to Africe and need to know where I can get vaccinations etc. done quickly
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Given that we have one incipient nuclear war, one ongoing territorial war of increasing loathesomeness, an apparently unhinged president in the US, rampant Nazis striding the european political stage...
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is there a website dedicated to people selling their homes independently of estate agents.
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when a group of freinds all decide to leave their assetts to each other and the last person standing gets the lot. what is the term for that
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In the english language is there a term for an adjective that has beem emphasised by its preceeding word? e.g."deepest love" ; "brilliant red"
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how can i find a right career
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Jodie Day
which countries joined the common market in 1973

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