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Baby_Sham Not sure if this has already been posted, but it's literally...
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the dome, is it worth watching the second episode ? TIA.
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this is the most pathetic celebrity trend I've seen: Madonna really needs to grow...
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unk MessagingOptionsPhyllis Fox Picture of Phyllis Fox Show/hide folders Folders Refresh Inbox 9 Junk Drafts 7 Sent Deleted 11 New folder Show/hide quick views Quick views Documents Flagged Photos 4...
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AB Editor
So, they're rolling out a badger cull trial in Gloucester... ... And there will be protests, naturally. Will you be joining them? Or do you think the cull...
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Einstein was born March 14, 1879. He would be 134 if he were alive today. Few people remember that he married his cousin, Elsa Lowenthal, after his first marriage failed in 1919. At the time he stated...
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woman has baby needs instruction yet she already has a son, who seems to have disappeared. Aren't soaps strange.
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excelsior-1 emergency room with two black eyes and a broken nose. The doctor asks him what happened. "Well," says the man, "I was having a nice round of golf with my wife. She sliced her ball into a...
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for weeing in public, of £90. On Saturday evening, he got another fine of £90, and spent the night in a cell for being drunk and disorderly on an evening out celebrating an event!! I am concerned as...
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Sea Devil
An old lady around the corner's old Border Terrier has just had to be put to sleep due to cancer and other nastiness. She's well upset. She paid over two-hundred quid for another the other day. She...
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ToraToraTora 12/5/suspenders? can't be right....
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been up since 3.30am,a gigantic spider in my bedroom,luckily I had a can of insect spray I keep beside me,so sprayed it but it ran under my bed,so I had to get out of there.crept in 2 hours later and...
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Nice weather for ducks!
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Have you been there? do you think the changes are good for the place? ( I was there yesterday, (they have made the front realy good) whats your views?
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a recent story line in Coronation St. had an ism between the cab owner and a fireman, now we have the two owners of the cab firm and the bird who was shacked up with the fireman keep referring to "fat...
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just read stella is leaving corrie i for one am not sorry never thought she fitted in...
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Sorry if this has been covered before but I don't watch very often .... What the hell has happened to Rylans teeth? They seem too big and definately too white for his mouth???!!...
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Sharing this as I have personal experience of someone's dog this happened to. "I've just had a call from a very distraught and heartbroken client. She was out walking her dog on his extending lead...
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mushroom25 a sound legal principle? Or is the learned judge just exposing his prejudices?...

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