1 Dog fails to finish milky drink L---I
2 Building worker constructed pam's diner --I-E-M-N
(is a "pridesman" a building worker? :) Running out of ideas here!...
(My wife and children have asked that I repost a similar message to yesterday's on here. Apologies if this is not the right thing to do) My family are in the final six ofthe vosene families...
Please can anyone give a few clues to help with the followng questions. 6.I binned harp(4.3.4.) 11 The channel has one.(6) 29. The hippo lice carrier.(6.3.) 48.Community sounds envious(7.5) Thank you...
hotel about a quarter empty ???n? the earlier ancestry one definitely ends in m , but p could be incorrect be there in this 10 a?????a??e - thought initially appearance but this gives the p as...
Hi I'm still completely stuck on 12 across: Grain needing a stone implement (6), I know that 'needing' is the extra word. Can anyone help me as I'm getting to 'hair-tearing-out time!!!' Thanks in...
I have almost completed the grid bar two. 29A upset paying customers. I have g?a?
and I cannot find the last bear on the RHS down. A clever and enjoyable puzzle. Any help gratefully recieved....
I'm all filled in except the unclued entries, with each of them I have a 'beginning' but no end. ODQ hasn't helped, neither has Chambers. Could anyone point me in the right direction as I'm stuck!...