candy runs a ferry here where did The Kings Dream" come true.? tight greeting in portugese? suzannas friends father was van gogh holy thanks for help and thanks for help also on questions...
Inca Rally tangle is unhepful 9 letters __ __ C__ __ __A__ __ The stage is right away from a Norfolk holiday centre 3 & 6 letters T__ __ __O__ __ __ S Question our urn and find an evasive answer 9...
Hi I am retired but have a part time job off-loading wagons at a supermarket. I have had a number of run-ins with one particular driver as described in the question. However this morning whilst I was...
cryptic 2499.3d.(11)section of battersea bridge men tackled as contracted work. ????D?????T..sorry I haven't got any more letters as I am stuck for quite a few. Any more answers would help save some...
Have you heard the BT radio advert where they ask for seven number 1 hits where the title is not sung in the song? They give: Bohemian Rhapsody Space Oddity The Ketchup Song and another that I have...