Gillymay and RJUKL are both looking for an answer to the same question: "They did dig it" PLEASE some clever solver come up with something. We are at our wits end! Ruth.
N=Nouns-Proper & common 1)A type of mint-place where money is made 2 clues are provided above, leading to one word answer which is a noun.(I can think of an answer, but its an adjective!)
A who was Evertons first ever player capped for england? B Who was Evertonns first player for england after ww2? C Which premier league goalie has record for most penalties saved in OPEN PLAY at World...
Still need please, 3. Small French one on application (8) 4. Bad language in a boat has to be avoided (4) 5. We hear the girls outfit is inclined to be rough (7) 13. Rod the French reverse for a catch...
E= emblem9)2 figures sitting back to back is emblem pf which sports clothing company? W=when/which/what 7)In the old celtic calendar which day was the last day of the year?
1 down) Lots of pasta doesn't require a starter(6) ???l?s 8 across) Open letters from military settlement(7) ??t?o?? 9 down) Army on exercise get record(4) ??p? Many thanks in advance :-) this will...
Does anyone know if there is a misprint on the sudoko. I've been trying to help a neighbour out who is stuck and I keep getting stuck at the end with two 8's on one row the same as she did!! I'm happy...
4 down) Opportunity to understand deer on tourist attraction(9) ?????i?h? 19 Across) Horseman hearing of dispatched gold, started to run(7)??????R 3Down) Musical performance at home with a...