12a russian rebel perhaps, doubly revolutionary and nationalist (7) i have ----h-n
17d ine detective constable in bad mood shows restraint (8) -a---u--...
1a become less in amount (6) 12 a plant of N.US genus with white red and purple flowers (5) 2d european tree with grey bark used for furniture (5) mind sluggish this morning Many thanks for any help...
20a alt name for pluto (3)
21d stalk like extension of a flowers ovary (5) --y--
33d part of earth downward (4) -o-e
8d largest satellite orbiting jupiter (8) -a--m-d-
any help appreciated...
mind blank 18a all instruments together (5) 27 tropical fruit (5) 49 unarmed combat (7) 67 illicit alcohol (9) M..... 15d clamber (8) 28 store of records (7) 45 triumph(7) 68 card game (5) --b-e hope...
any ideas - all places in british isles cartoon cats appendage; group of pigs; five hundred and six balls; state of the poor; where serial husband comes from; accompanies a drum any help would be...