Please can someone tell me whether you can still get hedgehog flavour crisps? if so, where from? my bloke doesn't believe they existed and i want proof they did. thanx
I recently had an answer removed (I didn't think it particulary offensive compared to some but there you go). Can anyone explain why on all other answers on other posts the 'report this answer' box is...
Does anyone know much about these ie exercising facial muscles so your face and neck stays taught and more youthful for longer? Any links to sites or further info much appreciated!
unlady like question i know but has anyone ever had an ingrowing hair in the nether regions due to shaving??...There sore and ugly, anyone know how to prevent them??
Jade Goody has apparently decided to change her name & adopt the Muslim faith to prove she isn't racist! She wants to be known as 'Yaffat Fouka'! (Rec'd by text)!
If there's one thing really ticks me off it's intolerance. Nothing makes me so intolerant of someone than if they show a lack of tolerance for others:) I've just answered yet another quesiton showing...
I would just like to say Goodbye,as I have decided calmly and without rancour to leave AB(after 2 years here) Why? Because I do not like the recent influx of Intolerant,Racist & Homophobic posters. It...
Any sufferers on here? SP is when you are waking or going off to sleep and you feel you are awake but your body is paralysed - you can't move for a minute or two and often this is accompanied by a...
here's a thought. Instead of Gillian McKeith taking obese people who spend their days shoving junk into their faces and not ever taking any excerise, and helping them to lose a few stone (which, by...
Think thats what the program was called last night. What was the name of the multi-millionaire who travelled by train to his meeting, (think his surname was Ballantine), the one who tried to throw his...
Im upset, I just found out that Chalky, Rick Stein's dog passed away last week :( he was such a cute and affable dog dammit why do the good ones have to go first?
The dark circles I have under my eyes are so bad now that they go up the sides of my nose. Is there anything to get rid of them permanently intsead of having to disguise them, thanks for any advice.
does anyone else think (or even care ) that 'Ben'phil mitchells son on E/E is a really crappy actor? i know he's only a kid ..... but i just cannot stand the little sh$$
A 'rasher' style meat product... made of pork and beef I think.. 'bacon'ish in flavour... Used to get it from Sainsburys... haven't seen it - or anything like it - for a long time... it was really...