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Sunday. Quite mild outside at 11.4C Everything is wet, as it was raining through the night. I put the hedgehogs supper under the barbie again, it's all gone this morning. nothing on the board for...
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Saturday. Rain yesterday afternoon and showers through the night. It didn't stop the hedgehogs coming in for their supper though! Five last night, always a lovely sight. What today hols I have no...
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Friday. Quite mild outside this morning, but no stars twinkling. According to the weather app on my wee kindle, we will have some rain about 0700, so no need to water the gardens then. A load of...
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Thursday. Not too bad outside, 10.5C . I just opened the back door to watch the hedgehogs, four this morning. I put some more food out for them and filled the water dish. I spent most of yesterday...
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Wednesday. Not too bad outside, 8.6C We never got yesterdays promised rain, but we might well get it today. I'm still confines to barracks, if it stays warm and sunny I'l do some gardening, not my...
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Tuesday. Still confined to barracks. So can't report on the local wildlife, except the hedgehogs of course. five in the garden last night, all fed and watered. No idea what today will bring, something...
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Monday. Quite pleasant outside. We didn't get the promised rain, so I'll have to do some watering methinks. Six hedgehogs have just been fed and watered. I put their food under the table, just in case...
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Easter Sunday. Cloudy out there this morning, not cold though, it's 15.8C Not bad at all. I got the garden furniture and the barbie out and cleaned and set up ready for use. The hedgehogs were...
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Saturday. Still pitch black outside, but no wind, so not too bad. Hedgehogs in the garden again, 6 this morning. I got the garden furniture and barbie out of the shed yesterday, I'll clean it all,...
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Friday. A bit late this morning. A good night's sleep. Hedgehogs having fun in the back garden again, I saw four, so there may be more. :o} My mate collected me and we raided Tesco, it was very busy....
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Thursday. There is a beautiful full moon shining brightly. Two hedgehogs on the patio. All is well. I got some shopping in Lidl done yesterday. Tesco today. Apart from that, nothing. Mount Ironing may...
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Wednesday. I wanted to have a look at the super moon, too cloudy :o{ Never mind, I've seen it before I'll see it again. Hedgehogs still out in the garden, four rootling about just now, the food I put...
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Tuesday. I woke up at 0230 and thought it was 0610. How daft can you get! There is a big bright moon shining making it almost like daylight. Five hedgehogs mooching about in the back garden. I love...
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Monday. Rain during the night. So the hedgehogs stayed tucked up until it stopped, what time that was I have no idea. Same applies to today, still on lockdown so it's wait for my shopping to be...
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Sunday. Quite pleasant out the back, hedgehogs still going about their business. I love watching them footling around the garden. I still haven't been outside the back garden. It's going to be some...
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Saturday. Hedgehogs on the move in the back garden during the night. It was lovely watching them, I saw three. I'll have a look later to see if Tiggy Towers is occupied. I hope it is! :o} I finally...
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Friday. I've had fun [i]not[i] getting on here this morning. Over two hours. [i]whinge moan complain grumble[i] A bit warmer outside this morning at 9.5.C Looking like a nice day. It would be pleasant...
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White rabbits! April fools day. Wednesday. Still haven't been anywhere. The wind still too chilly to do anything out the back. It's calmer this morning, so maybe today. We shall see. Have a happy day...
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Tuesday. I had a wee lie-in this morning. Thoroughly enjoyed it! :o} Still not been out, I need some essential shoplifting so will contact the Street Warden, she, or one of her volunteers, will get it...
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Monday. Overcast again. Not that it makes lot of odds as I can't go out anyway. A pleasant surprise yesterday, a friend dropped by with a dozen beers for me. Happy bunny! :o} Nothing else to report on...

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