everyman observer No 4088 4 ac 'In the auditorium, young lady composed' (5) Can anyone help? It's my last clue. I have m?d? Made? But why? it could mean 'composed' but can't fit it to the... ...
This is my last clue needed to finish so I'd be very grateful. It's Cyclops 798. 13 ac 'be very critical about gutless party's childish habit' (5) I have N?P?Y and think it could be nappy... ...
Can anyone advise me on 22 ac? - 'A summons opened by prosecutor, which should come up with the goods' (4) I have ?s?a and the answer I got is Asda (opening of 'a summons' and DA for prosecutor).... ...
Can anyone help me with 8dn please? I have P?n ???c? tho not sure of first letter. I also need 13 ac to supply another letter. That is 'Hire husband to employ ex-president' (I have C?a????) I'd be... ...
cyclops 787 As usual, I need help to finish this. most grateful for anoyone's help. 23 ac - 'Old man, source of unlikely tips for Trump types' I have ??p???s?s. Also, 23 dn - ??a?? 'son needs taking... ...
23ac fellow with one ball, right erotic performer (9) I have ??n?a?c?r Can anyone help pls? I also need 22dn Labour's elite ultimately wanting to get in a newspaper (6) to give me the first letter... ...
7 dn It's not tender, filthy lucre today, on vacation. (7) I have ?r?e?t? but no idea. Grateful for any help! 27 dn Panic causes fellow to cover genital area (4) I have F?a? Can it be fear?
Can anyone help me with 13ac and 3dn? For 13 ac (Recoil at terrorists having drink (5)) i have L?T?? And for 3 dn (Treasury head gets sack for fiddle (6)) i have ?R?F?? Any help gratefully... ...
Girl's brief victory against love - round of applause! 5 letters and I have U?O?O though I'm not sure of them. Can anyone help me? I can't get it and it's the last one. Thanks very much
11ac Bass *** about (4) I have - - e - Any suggestions? 'Deep'? (Peed backwards?) Also 25 ac extreme left-winger with tense balls (4) I have - r - - Any help gratefully received. Thanks Alison...
Pls help if you can. 23 ac : crummy, crap energy handout ultimately results in reprimand - I can only get 'chided' but don't see how it relates to first half of clue. Also, to answer second half,...