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I am watching BB live and Science is going on about how he will cook what he wants and eat what he wants, when he wants. The house mates are living on a budget and he is making himself huge meals and...
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codie n
Is craig the most awfull person ever ? I detest him just who does he think he is shouting at science like that,I no science can hold his own but craig was pure nast,bb should get a man in there let...
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So, who you voting for Orlaith or Science to go?Who deserves to win?And who would you want back?
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If you could bring back any TV series, which would it be?   I would pick ROOTS.
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I have heard today eminems album 'encore' is to be his last and he won't be touring again after his september concerts. Please someone tell me this is untrue
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In a recent episode of Pimp My Ride (although it may have beena repeat" Xzibit says this wee thing that went "when I say x you say z...x.....z". I was just wondering if there is a similar part in any...
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So what does everybody think of the latest installment?
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What's prison life like these days? I mean proper prison, not YOI, as the general impression I've got, perhaps wrongly, is that it's all a bit of a holiday.
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Impossible question to answer I thought.. Until today that was, I've decided mine is The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony... Yup. Feel free to share :D
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codie n
Who eles was happy science stayed last night?everyone thought,maxwell included that science would go,The look on maxwells face was brilliant , I for one was sooo happy science stayed,Science to win.
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I have too aquaurim tanks, in one tank i have mollys,platys and barbs and in the other i have a siamese fighter with some neons and zebra danios i am looking to introduce more fish to both tanks...
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I have a blue betta (siamese fighting fish) who has been in my care about six months, and always seemed problem free.  I took him to a friend's house for a "play date" with her blue betta...
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everyone i know lets their 5 year olds out later at night in the holidays.I still like my 5 year olds twins in bed for 8.00, Am i being harsh and should i let them stay up late as well.
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Along similar lines of the previous racism questions regarding big brother - i dont know if anyone can answer this but i would like to know your thoughts/opinions all the same.  How come Anthony...
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If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
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why are people from newcastle called geordies
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Im looking for a dance track which was released not long ago i don't know the name of the song or artist but the video had two boys in school uniform watching girls dancing in bikinis and a pizza boy...
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Please someone help me! I caught the end of a advertisment on tv the other nite about a drama which is on i thought this week but can't find it in tv mag so it must be next week the storie is...
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I expect this has been asked before. Just wondering where regular and new ABKs live? to start I live in Bournemouth Dorset. 
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tonight is supposed to be stormy is it raining where you are ? i'm in rugby warwickshire and the sky is still clear

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