1 - Bite at night 2 - Two man mortgager 3 - In time he will succeed. 4 - Back to front wallet. sample: Sad Tree = Weeping Willow Two many quizzes on the go - brain has packed up.
who is said to be without cultural interest or good taste answer must be female. (Is the answer anything to do with a county?) This to finish quiz, all help appreciated
1 - This literary lady lived at Tara. 2 - Had she had her eyebrows plucked for this picture 3 - 1974 the first BBC TV weather girl. all help/hints appreciated.
.................... Call .................... Account Suggestions for parts of the body before the above words. Many thanks - you get so far and then seem to loose it, all help appreciated.
1. If this state had wings it would not look forward to Christmas (6) 2. If we then stroll around for the angels message to the shepherds 3 5 6 I know the message it just does not fit 3 5 6 I think my...