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wee willie

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Bewlay Bros
I appreciate AB is not everything in life but for many people they do enjoy it. Whilst I am all alone in a lonely town I do enjoy my time spent on here. Whilst the TV is on, I sit with my little lap...
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Bewlay Bros
and nothing on. I am watching some movie with Jason Bourne in it playing a Siamese twin. What a load of crap. Name a film in my limited collection to watch please.
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Seems like there is a nice load of new trolly dollies on here tonight. Now folks I want your votes who are the real newbies on here tonight and today and maybe the past few days as well and who are...
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Felt pens or coloured pencils? Pritt stick or uhu glue? Friends or pop idol? Sugar or sweetners ? well ------------------------>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Anybody want to chat about anything? Everybody welcome, but please no abusive posts.
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Been doing a bit of digging and it appears that bewlay brothers is a bit miffed because his wife ran off with a strapping welsh bloke. Is that true or was she a lesbian who could not stand a husband...
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Other than constipation, what effects are there for long term use of codeine? I live with constant back pain.
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Bewlay Bros
Would you?
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You still did'nt answer my question. How can you wish death on children? you are a grandmother so you say.
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Just had to tell the only bloke I've ever loved it's over,cos he's not available, not just loved, adored. If this is love, I dont want it cos it hurts too much when u have to give it up. Know i'm...
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this site seems to be like other ones, with closed ranks, why are these places so clicky, outsiders dont seem to be included.
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Who has been in the dungeon. I haven't (well not up to now, but that could change after this thread lol). it as bad as everyone says it is?
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Bewlay Bros
For class tomorrow who said: Britain is a nation of shop keepers? and Britain is a nation of animals lovers? Dotty may know????? Five minutes before bed. Thanks and google doesn't help.
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Kiwi the 1st
Hi, I'm looking for a device that tells the temperature. It looks like a long glass, with blue liquid inside and little balls with coloured liquid. The balls go up and down according to the...
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Which programme you prefer?Masterchef or gordon ramsay kitchen nightmares? Package holiday or book yourself individually? Ever eaten haggis ?...
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Tapioca or rice pudding? Mashed , boiled ot roast potatoes ? Ever posted a pic of yourself online ? Ever wake up in a strangers bed ? Do you loook good in a bikini ? Well----------------...
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up early this morning? Anyone not care?
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Just popped in to see if scumbag noguts was about, but he seems to have disappeared. Have any death threats been issued, or is he hiding behind his blow up doll. Plenty of women on tonight noguts, why...
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my boss is like postman pat , and not attractive at all - but he wears the most divine aftershave that often i go over to his desk just to get a whiff of him what scent makes u go funny ?
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well im orf to my pit.feeelin a bit tiredd 2nite so logingg orf eaerly and will be bak tomorrur ready for more h t h ? d t h ? t y v m ? l o l a k s w a l k h 2 h : )

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