Me again,the house training with my paterdale is going really well about 75% of toileting done outside,however when do you stop giving treats for peeing outdoors, he is going to end up about 50 stone...
me again, my word this puppy thing's hard work ! have gave him lot's of toys and he has a great time playing with them,but he prefers my socks and my husbands thermal vest ! should i get him something...
had our pup 5 days now although he is 8 months old no history as he was abandoned , he has been sleeping in living room with my older dog at night with no problems but I have to go to wok for 4 hours...
I have been looking into getting a face peel when I started searching on the net I've come accross a couple of companies who sell these as home kits ,I dont mean the avon or loreal type I mean the...
in scotland do you have to have a survey carried out before putting in an offer for a house if it is a cash purchase also when does the contract become legally binding
i'm selling a flat, estate agent is on a fixed fee no percentage for selling (scotland so it is an offers over price) has only been on market for 2 days and had 3 offers other viewings are arranged I...
my husband bought a flat 16 years ago( before we met) it has been sublet for 15 years ,we have had a joint mortgage on our own home for the last 8 years, if he sells the flat now does anyone know what...
I got a chinese takeaway the other night ,put it in the car and drove home whenI got home I discovered the container which my meal was in had not been closed properly and the sauce had leaked out into...
my husband was stopped for speeding last night by traffic police they did not tell him what speed he was doing although did caution him and said they would tell the fiscal he was doing at least 90 and...
this is a bit of a long story but am wondering if anyone has any advice my sons car was written off after 2 months of owning it not his fault insurance company paid out took full years premium from...