stuck with puzzle 10 pick me up issue 19 1d put an amended price on(7) is 2d affrontery or effrontery 3d thin sheet of gold,ilver etc (4) 13d characterise too readily (10) 17d south American river...
win without finishing stuck with
17a tv security system (6,7)
8d determine,control(7)
14d sunningdale,eg (4,6)
18d bubbling(8)
19ddesktop container for finished work (3,4)
23d type of prayer(6)...
stuck with puzzle 5 win page 32. win without winning 8a exterminate (4,3) 15a precondition(11) 3d hot and cold water faucet (5,3)thought it was water tap 9d hurdy gurdy(6,518d is it abridge thank you...
puzzle 9 win without finishing 10a habitual,following a set pattern(10) 11a charitable(10) 21a trainer (10) 26a go back to square one (4,4,6) 4dgroup together(7) 6d territory under rule(6) 12dmeaty...
puzzle four number fit stuck as I muddled it up.can anyone help please. puzzle 8 sud0ku puzzle 9 win without finishing. 14a powerful successful(4,6) 16a crystalised fruit ingredient used in Christmas...
win without finishing 3d of tiresome extent (7) 7d impossible to predict (13) 15d of a film,in its original version(5) 19d variety of poison(7) 9afoolish(5) 13a nasty tasting medicine (6,3) 17a lack...
I need help to finish win without finishing
10a verse of a poem (6)
25a narrow steep sided valley(6)
28 a fleeting nature (10)
4d hollow roar (4)
17d premium paid on borrowed money(8)...
win without finishing 1d animal of weasel family (7) 3d careful scrutiny (8) 4d scourge (4) 13d unable to live in brine(10) 19d defend look after (7) 21dfantasy quaintness (6) 24d allay (4) 9a...