ISS 11 26 pm for 5 minutes W departing SSE. Then you may see a double fly bye with the ATV finally approaching the station at 11 27 pm for 5 mins W departing SSE.
Iss sighting 10 40 pm for 6 minutes W departing E Atv supplyship should be seen a few minutes after at 10 51pm for 5 minutes W departing E The previous supply ship( progress) has departed from the...
Iss sighting 11 29 pm for 6 mins W departing ESE
jUST BEFORE THAT AT 10 45PM THE ATV supply vessel will pass approx. same direction for 5 mins W departing E....
Iss sighting 10 42 pm for 6 minutes WSW departing E Also if you want to wait a few minutes the ATV supply will come along in the same direction at 10 49 pm on viev for 4 mins.
One sighting of ISS at 11 31pm for 6 minutes W departing E. Also the Atv4 supply ship heading for the spacestation will be on view till the 15th Tonights sighting 10 54 pm for 4 mins WSW departing E I...
super sighting last night not quite dark but clear sky Tonight's sighting 10 43 pm for 6 mins WSW departing E Also if sky is clear it would be worth having another look at 11pm for the Atv4 spacecraft...
1st sighting of ISS 9 59PM for 2 mins SE departing E 2nd sighting 11 32 pm for 6 mins WSW departing E Also the ATV4 supply ship is on it's way and can be seen tonight at 11 05 pm for 4 mins SW...
I have bought on e bay a few years now and no problems. Last night I had 3 items . Payment went through as normal on first 2 but third item I still have not had a receipt come through. My computer...
Done my toast poured my tea all ready on table . Got my eggcup. Egg been boiling for 5 minutes as it is a large double yoker. Took pan off cooker no egg yes you have guessed. duh