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can anyone help I am trying to find the words to the song that has in it the following. " And the landlubbers lying down below below below and the land lubbers lying down below. I am trying to help...
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all answers are the names of birds. box tier
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It has all got to do with things on a Christmas shopping Pembrokeshire and Jersey - New potatoes Stuck on the question Dad making old fashioned rug. I know Dave has used the old fashioned rug...
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does anyone remember an Enid Blyton story about an elf called Big Ears who had to shell peas for his aunts lunch and couldn't remember why he had tied a knot in his hanky? If so can you tell me which...
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which book of enid blyton does kiki the parrot say " alls well that ends well"
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Has anyone got number 44 in "Oh I do like to be beside the seaside" quiz from New Shoots Seashore substance strike a bargain Wendypol
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all answers songs or music- clue 1)it's the balliffs 4,3,2,3,3,2,4,5.....2)covered by a bra 1,6,2,6,.....3)spattered by a seagull..12, 4)turnup the volume 6,5... 5)i've had enough 4,4,3,5,5,3........
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Has anyone any idea if Ronuk lavender silicone wax polish is still on the market? and if so who is marketing it in the Lancashire area. Wendypol
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Think this must have rose somewhere in the answer but my brain has shut down any help most welcome Wendypol
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Who was the mystery voice in 'Twenty Questions' ? Thanks for any help
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can anyone help please, still looking for these:- Frilly pub This egg in not yellow Used to beat a rhythm Famous drink but not in liquid form
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where can I buy a tea towel that has the story of cricket printed on it
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Royal Herb Thank you
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Stuck on the story section of quiz, the missing words are birds - and he did a _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ in prison. (did wonder if it was a something STINT in prison?) And became Yorkshire highboard...
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just trying to finish the above quiz, the answers required relate to section 3. british place names that include the name of a bird. 1. warmonger with "66 hero 2. did the morris men work here. 3....
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Stuck on two: 21. Miss perfect puts both feet in them (no number of letters) not Cinderella, already have that for another answer. 22. He'll taper out in the pot (possibly anagram???) Any ideas?
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nearly finished but am stuck on the following 1 evil either one 2 those in arms where wine is matured 3 just stream illuminates 4 mad to pull them 5 just one bit 6 royal delightful all help wellcome...
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Some years ago I came across paintings by Trudy Finch. At that time she was working from a studio near Oban Scotland.Unfortunately she left the area and I have been unable to trace her. She did talk...
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what does anyone have for Q1. Ultimate, do say, also Q38. second luggage ledge indicates before.
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Could someone out there please help with my last question??? 14D extra stake given to shareholders. 5 and 5, I have, -o-u-/i-s-e. Where oh where have i gone wrong or am I just being extra thick!!!!!...

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