a?d?d?f?a?i?t someone who has a significant financial interest in a large business or manufacturing concern - any help would be greatly appreciated - thank you
6a ?e?w?y latitude, scope 1d ?e?l?t?e? criminal mastermine who tries to get the better of superman. Is it lex luther? 15a ?e?l?s? stupid - foolish? Afraid I am absolutely stumped any help would be...
22d ?e?o?e municipal town in tamil nadu india on the bank of the river cauvery and 39d a?e unit of area equal to 100 sq metres these are the last two I am stuck on - thanks in advance
Absolutely stuck - must have got something wrong - but cannot think what 'the cheapest accommodation on a passenger ship' is. Help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
'line on a map connecting places having equal rainfall '- I think it is isohel but the only way it will fit in is 'isoheel'; is this right please?? Many thanks in advance and New Year Greetings from...
23d the ?u?l ?o?t? 1997 surprise smash hit british film set in peter string fellow's home town only one I am stuck on please someone Many thanks in advance