9a Getting back, help clan in onslaught [6] D-A-R-N-
16a Restore your old well [7] -EA----
18d Seducer finding harlot dancing before ten [8] --T-A-I-...
1.I'm regrettably returning the sausage (6)
2.Celtic casserole (5.4.)
3.Beheaded grass pale yellow (3.6.)
4.Its head is made of spices (six)
Many thanks for any help....
can anyone please help with the following ,one name links these groups no. 64 literary pig ,TV spy ,legal code , gold coin . no 65 US tennis player ,US state capital ,car manufacturer ,poet laureate...
1. Stirred hot coal inside a church (9).
2. Love with bad back (5)
3.Possessed a defendant's enclosure(7)
4.Drink ready to eat (5)
Many thanks for any help....
1- Voice what's going on in your head 5,5 ????P ALOUD 2- Light sleepers aid ???????? (no clues) 3- Circuit-breaker case 4,3 (no clues) 4- Laundered with solvents 3-7 (no clues) 5- Your complete...
can anyone help with my last 5 unsolved ? 6....as no-one returned to stable it (8) 7. Wiry,blond thief irritated the writer of this fictional area.(5,6) 9.Art stall set out for the market.(11)...
13 across Scandinavian tongue widely found in Shetland and Orkney districts (5) I have ??E?E 21 across Small Scottish lakes (7) I have L?????S 6 down Doric for above sounds like a benefit (5) I have...
All of these questions are in two parts and each answer has to rhyme 3. To find manuscript reshape past- simple ! (10) The answer should rhyme with BEST 12. Taxi goes round Scottish island,ends up in...