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A jockey who had just got married went on his honeymoon, and at the hotel asked the receptionist for the very best room, "certainly sir," said the receptionist, "would you like the bridal?" "No...
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We call our grandad "Spiderman". He hasn't got any super powers - he just finds it difficult to get out of the bath.
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Police in Lansing, Mich., are ready for Halloween. They have stockpiled chainsaws, in case zombies invade. "We have been doing mock disasters and cross-training for several years," said Lt. Bruce...
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An extremely modest man was in the hospital for a series of tests, the last of which had left his bodily systems extremely upset. Upon making several false alarm trips to the bathroom, he decided the...
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Why is the public opinion of the (so-far innocent of any crime) McCanns so different to that shown to a convicted killer - Louise Woodward?
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Given the debate that's been started by Nobel winner James Watson's remarks about race playing a role in intelligence: le2677098.ece and his speedy...
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My wife had our home heating tank filled this week, and I've just spotted the delivery docket. We usually have diesel, but for some reason she ordered kerosene. It seems to be working fine - I'd not...
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I want to play this online - but microsoftno longer host it. Any ideas? In particular, i want to play a death-match vs a friend of mine so I'd like to be able to control who I play against. Further,...
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What's the weather like in Budapest in early November? Also, anyone got any suggestions for must-see visits? Only have two full days mind!
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Is THAT clip anywhere on the net?
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this website is linked fom answerbank...(ad on right) How mad is that?
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so i'm stuck in Cannock for the night. What's to do? Close to ramada hotel if possible - i do NOT need to get lost! Thanks guys
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Why is the time for some recent posts showing up as a minus figure? Have I travelled in time by a couple of mins?
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Do you feel your political views change significantly as you get older and 'wiser'? I guess I'm pretty liberal on most things, eg freedoms of belief and sexuality, free speech, freedom of movement...
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A very frustrated husband was down in the dumps about a health issue and had enough of it so he decided he was going to visit a doctor about it. So the next day he went to his doctor."Doctor," the...
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A man lost one of his arms in an accident. He became very depressed because he had loved to play guitar and a lot of things that took two arms. One day he could not stand it anymore. He decided to...
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My Mother's reaching her buss pass, and is tempted by those ads that offer to give her an income or lump sum with no repayments until after her death. She's got all of our support on this, but has...
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A man enters a confessional and says to the Irish Priest, "Father, it has been one month since my last confession and I've sinned with Fannie Green every week for the last month." The priest tells the...
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We've had the question regarding having dream dinner parties with celebs, but who from the AB would you have over? You're allowed only three people, plus yourself natch. Tonight, i'd invite weeal,...

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