of songs that have place names in the title,,,let's have some fun and see how many we can name as it's a tad quiet on here as yet..... normally star all who partake but sometimes it's hard to keep...
Time and date do you reckon that I will get banned on here. I am having a sweepstake and it only costs 50p to enter and the winner takes all. Come on my luverlie jubblies get your sweepstake tickets...
Cant be arsed annoyed trawling the site so in case you missed it here is my response to you: Drisgirl Mon 25/05/09 17:46 reefgal -calm yer jets -youre new to this site *yawn* yet for no reason managed...
Now that is a name to conjure with. Who on here does jack wild remind you of? but more important who on here does the wicked witch with the big fat nose that grows and the spotty face remind you of?...
put some stuff on the lawn to feed it.Instructions said "do not apply if rain is imminent" You've guessed ,now raining. So bu88er,bu88er, spit and damnation. Getting the top off the gin bottle as I...
from posty's thread may I just say that this site is a joke. Have we got a troll for a spare ed or moderator? Now watch me get banned for telling the truth
Dear Ed Sunday 11.42am legendis.tit Sun 24/05/09 11:25 You really are a complete w@nker, aren't you knobby. You and that paedo leggy should both get a f@cking life for christs sake. What a pair of...
why does asparagus make urine smell? and what can be done to prevent the smell?? (apart from stop eating them) i'm a big fan of eating asparagus, its just off putting when I pee, it really smells....
Help please.....I recently installed Sony Ericsson PC Suite on my PC but since then my PC seems to have slowed down and the software didn't do what I wanted anyway. The trouble is I can't uninstall...
At the moment theres a lot of talk about users getting other users banned for life (when it becomes possible) My question is do they really want the other person banished forever,or is it just...