Turn a decline to sudden advantage. (8) ?I???A?L?
Take cover it's time for some sport (8)???S?O?E
Weep about a recipe for bear(5) ?A???.
Thanks for your help...
Made yourself fearfully small? (7)?????e?.
Almost endless subject of experiments(6,3)??????,?i?.
Unemployed crew with mischievous potentialities?(4,5) ?d??,?????....
what reticularis might be doing for salmon trout. (6)?o?c?.
Broken toy gun not model for such as these. (5) ?o???
Hear drill continually for this element ?(5) B????
thank you in advance...
Can anybody help me please,I can't get on to the Sunday Express website to check the answers to the crossword. Is there any other way to check it please???? Thankyou for any help.