Many thanks to all who entered our "Bags" Quiz, which raised £146 for our Medical Loans Service. 121 sheets were returned of which 55 were all correct. Mrs. C. Robinson of Wellington was drawn as...
10) the onions she ate allowed her to live longer than the average donkey. who 4, 3
15)camels in dubai, teddy bears in berlin and what in cairo 7
also help needed for picture 52 13 letters...
Nursery Rhymes 1. Musical Money (4 1 4 2 8) Forms of transport (no number of letters) 6 A Cornish river Toys and Games (no number of letters) 10. Makeover experts Thank you in advance for any help...
Need help from any cricket geeks out there please! 1) Which cricketer's only two appearances for Lancashire were 21 years apart? 2) Who was the last Lancashire cricketer to play for England at both...
Hi, Please can someone help me with the following. All answers contain the word cat. Thanks. 5 Feline Family (6) 10 A quick scrub (7) 13 This'll produce a reaction (8) 19 Orlando (3,9,3) 20 There's no...
Please can you help me to finish these two quizzes? St.Mary's Church Rushden Proverbs 14, F B C (11 6 8) 17 L F L S (4 6 4 3) Answer contains an insect 35 Caretaker (7) Who am I - Cystic Fibrosis -...
Hi If anyone doing this one could help with any idea about two of the pictures I would be grateful I have two that am not sure of. I thought 94 might be a famous animator and I have seen a clue for...
Can anybody give me a clue please for pictures 102 and 117, also, clue for what pictures have in common, because I cant see any links at all , thank you