please could someone give a clue to number 89. who links previous four questions -cradle of royal stewarts (renfrew),went down in Conway Bay 1831(Rosethay Castle), Captain of Yorkshire (Phil Carrick)...
1. Vessel from Jerez (8) 9. Austere or grim at the back (5) 11. One who puckers up and whistles (6) 15. A king follows Tom for a fight (7) 16. Top o0f the Pops (6,3) 23. A queue to buy the latest...
Just a few left on this quiz & closing date is rapidly approaching. PART FOUR (clues include money but answers are birds) Hand peseta round when Ed leaves (8) Change forint Chas, no fan (7) Long...
Answers connected with dances or dance styles, old and new.
48. Do this in Dublin, Cork or Kerry?
Thought it could be river dancing or Irish Ceilidh, but not convinced - any thoughts please?...
After he appeared on American TV in 1991toexplain his theory about why French suffer fewer heart attacks than those in other developed countries, despite their high -fat diet, sales of red wine in US...
can any one help with last few ? please
simply a stick 4 letters
5/4 or 4/5 5 3 5 lettersbebin with a or b
i create rats 11 letters starts with s
many thanks tiffy...
answers are films with a place in america in the title places are the capital leter 4 rA 9 Hm-tm 12 Mv 30 Fm these are songs with american names in title 39 miV -ef 52 B-rn 57 W-jm thanks for any help...
Would someone give me a clue please.
48. Produces a big bang in the music world.
My last one and I seem to be the only person who hasn't got this clue!
Thank you...
Sorry I need lots of help please 34) This was rubbish until three and four did the twist = 38) Pull the knot = 45) Cut grass and heather = 48) Produces a big bang in the music world = 55) Two...