Need a bit of assistance with the bottom right hand corner today.
1) 28a:- 18 down film about school compounds.
Can someone confirm if this is KEYTONES?
Hi all, Need a little bit of help today with a coupe of clues. 1) 1d Arm latest rising securing harpoon occasionally (6) W?A???. I have Windpipe & Approval 2) 12a Steer around city stone (4) ??y?. I...
Needing a wee bit of help today. 18d Willing offer to trap rook or grouse for instance (4-4) ga?e-?r?d. Maybe the g is a b (17a Tag or Tab)Label pistol when its returned. 21a I have pAstiche; 28a I...
I was wondering if there was any way that these two different crosswords could be segregated from one another. When you look at the questions and answers they are all mixed up consequently when you...
Totally foxed with 18d Herb in duck & orange recipe or Perrenial herb (7) Thought it was Parsley but other words in its make up don't fit. I have P_E_A_O. P from Make Up; E from Terminator; A from...
Last one I can't get today. 17a Help stop young animal getting settled (4,2) ?a?d /?p. Is it either hard up or laid up ? or something else I'm not seeing>
Stuck on 3 from yesterday.
25a Someone who cleans vegitables (4)?A?R. 24d Long story about European pine (5) Y?A??. 30a send back chap in debt R?M???.
Need a couple in RH bottom corner to finish today.
22a Lecturer backs consent. (3) N _ _?
23d Turn out the lights in old ship in retreat. (6) _ _ R_ E_?
Totally stuck on 3 today and in need of some help! 20d Leave out rubble container. (4) S_I_? first thought was OMIT but the S ruled this out. 29a Share profit split over unspecified number? (8) _I_ _...
Hi all, Am a wee bit stuck on 3 answers. 17a Mostly produced banans (3) MA_? 18d Remove 24 dogs out of control (8) _I_L_ _ _ E? 28a Fancy candidates DNA being extracted in mould (3-4) _ _ N-_A_T? MTIA...
Needing some help on the bottom RH corner today. 18d SA golfer defends curtailed event for teams (7) E_E_ _ _ _? Think it might have something to do with Els! 21d 500 vehicles running around deck (5)...
Hi folks I'm needing a bit of help on the bottom LH corner to finish todays Xword. 20d Sister runs away to spain (5) _C_ _ _ N ? 23a Merit of French verse in translation (7) D_S_ _ _ E ? 26a project...
Brain must be in low gear today need another wee help with these.
10a Eulogies I once broadcast to America hoohed millions (7) & 6d Unstable youth leader supports music (5).
MTIA again...