10 Across Make a Sudden Advance ( 5 & 7 ) ?R??? T???U?H 14 Across Sailing vessel with two square rigged masts ( 4 ) ?R?? 2 Down Italian artist who was the most famous in Rome in the early 17th...
14d. Immunity from prosecution (9) ?N?????t?. thought it could be anonymity. but that means the y becomes the third letter in 22a. Resting place (4) T???. Help please. Many thanks.
help please with 1 down 'highly pleasing' (9) D-----O-S ?
4down 'diurnal fantasist' (10) D-------E-? and 13 down 'inexperienced person' (10) ---D-R-O-T? thank you a lot...
Can anyone help please with 10a, Latin legal term meaning 'you may have the body; two word anwer 6,6 letters 4th letter 1st word 'e', 2nd letter 2nd word 'o' ends in 's' . . .e.. .o...s. am having a...