Hi, I'm a novice DIYer (I can hear the groans already!). I've just bought my first house and I am having to do a lot of the required work myself due to a tight budget. I'm currently replacing my...
Would you rather: Spend the rest of your days living like a monk/nun, but having the shinyest plasma telly, the gucciest laptop and the most awe-inspiring iPhone. or Live like a modern day...
Please can anybody help me? I have been suffering for the past four weeks from this terribly painful condition. I have tried Steroid cream on sticky plaster' friar`s balsam; Boots creams and special...
Hey, I'm 15 (16 in nov). I would like to start working but i have NO clue of how to go about it. Can anyone give me just a little bit of advise on how to get a job, where, how etc.? or even better, if...
I am having a new FSD gas cooker delivered tomorrow and I need it to be installed. I have been quoted some prices but they seem very expensive. Can anyone tell me what I should expect to pay The...
I had my first smear test a few weeks ago, got my result this morning, and it shows up as abnormal. The thing is I lost my virginity very late, and have only actually had sex twice. Based on this, I'm...
just had our kitchen re-done, doing anythiong to the old store cupboard wasn't part of the deal, so we now have a new kitchen with a cupboard/larder that has no door. see pic -...
I've been part employed as a handyman for an elderly lady who needs her lawn " sorting " The lawn in question measures approx 35 yds x 16 yds so it is a fair old size. The lawn is heavily...