One to get - completely stumped 23d) the set of notes to which a musical instrument is tuned (6) I have a-a-r- but not 100% sure this is right Thanks in advance
7 down harmless,unobtrusive i?o?f???i?e 16 down applicable,connected ??r???e 18 across repairs tears in material p???h?? 19 down makes intense effort ??r???s
9d articles offered below cost in the hope that customers attracted by them will buy other goods l-s- l-a-e-s 4/7 21d without legal force n-l- a-h ---d 4/3/4
Hi 3D) Sort of sound a dry speaker can't use (6 LETTERS) L???I? 8A) As played by tremulous musicians? (7 LETTERS) ??A?E?S Please explains answers. Thanx
Would appreciate any help with the following:- Hit song for the Four Seasons (7) Owned by Prophet Mohammed (6) Owned by Marilyn Monroe (6) Brought back to life by Stephen King (6) Tin Land King (7,3)...
Hi we need help with the following cryptic clues to names of Animal, they can be birds, inscets, mammals, fish general types of fauna such as marsupial or amphibian, or mythical beasts. We have...