Help me please
Full on gall bladder attack
Ate a sandwich from the supermarket didn't take note of the fat content - turns out too much fat now in total agony.
Anyway I can ease it?...
An unusual case I agree, but the principle is sound....
Can anyone tell me how hard these are to use? I'm thinking of the cheaper ones that are hand held rather than the larger ones with a handle to turn? I'm wanting to try one but wonder if turning for...
Right, I’ve had it with these clowns. When they gave me a new tariff a couple of years ago it was to reduce my typical £40+ bills to about £30. Last two have been £80 and £65. My line is fibre...
I am in a hurry to get ready to go out so can't type too much. The article seems to explain it all.
While having my tea listen to Simon Mayo on radio two what a load of crap! He's not on radio little kiddies one now!! Iam getting old or do other people agree? This could run and run ! We should be concerned as this is capable of further disrupting a region that is never very far from rebellion at the best...
This year I left making my christmas cakes and puddings till the last minute and was very stressful. Can I make them at the beginning of 2016 and will they keep
The BBC are getting it in the neck because it's only broadcasting eight hours of Christian-themed programmes in the run up to Christmas. Is this a fair criticism, or a reflection of the secularisation...