I caught the last part of a news item on TV today, about Directory Enquiries 192 number being phased out, and several different six (?) digit numbers being introduced by Autumn 2003. Does anyone know...
I have double glazed windows and have recently had my roof replaced, but my house is still freezing cold, even with the heating on for most of the day (which is costing me a bomb!) Does anyone have...
Seveal years ago, whilst on holiday in Perth, Australia, my Mum bumped into a bloke she'd been to junior school with in Essex. I'd really like to hear about others strange coincidences.
I've always found the words, noodles, pump and Niblets make me chuckle (for some reason)!! Am I mad, or does anyone else find certain everyday words amusing?
I'd like to buy a Dictionary of Phrase and Fable for Christmas, and the two most popular ones seem to be either Brewers or Oxford. Which is the best one?
When my time's up, the songs I'd like played at my funeral are The Great Gig In The Sky and High Hopes by Pink Floyd, Stairway To Heaven by Led Zeppelin and Meditation by Massenet (if there's enough...
My mum sent me an e-mail this afternoon, which warned of a scam in which (usually) two men are approaching lone women in car parks, and asking them what 'lovely' perfume they are wearing, then asking...
A friend of mine has an old book called 'How To Boil An Egg'. As you can see from the title, it's a basic cookery book, and I'm trying to find out the authors name, as I need to buy it for someone for...
I have lots of mildew on an outside wall in my bathroom. I've tried those mould & mildew sprays and scouring powder, which remove some of the surface mildew, but it is still visible and the horrible...
I would like to redecorate my living room. I have a navy blue three piece suite which I'm happy with, but am fed up with everything else! The colours I'd like are navy blue, terracotta and cream, but...
My car keeps stalling when I slow down and stop at a junction, and takes a while to start up again. The engine has also been making a kind of 'chugging' sound whilst in a low gear, and will sometimes...