11a peak or perfection (4) -c-e 22a in a yielding manner (10) -b-d-e-t-y
26a moment of total absorption (10,5)----------/sound? 5d to a certain extent (10) -o-e-a-e-y...
9a mouth or nostril (7) -r-f-c 19a relating to sensual pleasure (10) h-l--su-us
1d compared with the last 12months(4,2,4) is it year on year?? 5d outdoors (8) -l-r-s-o 17d travel (2,6) g---a-e-...
6d hype excessively (10) overe-p-s- 16d bringing back to mind (9) e-o-a---e 20d alternate between two options on a computer (6) -o---e 25a whingeing (7) g-i-in- 26a convert to cash by selling (7)...