Could be on the menu in the USA (6) Squabbling? Not if you pronounce it correctly (6) Not really a noisy sport (7) Listen! (5) Sounds a bit odd (5) You can do this with your memory, too! (7)...
last answer was BRIDGE - next question is
..........supported by this, perhaps (7)
This game's a knock down (8)
You can do this with your memory, too! (7)
This sport is King, in a way! (6)...
Not a game for one player, despite its name (4) ...............but this is (8) You can do this with your memory, too! (7) You need crampons and boots for this (4.8.) Squabbling? not if you pronounce...
all these are either sports games or pastimes gambling on the river? 7 could be on the menu in the USA 6 listen 5 french railway game 6.2.3. a game of hooded cloaks? 8 your uncles on a sledge - a very...