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I read the funny/interesting stories submitted by people in the Daily Mail most days. Usually they are garbage but this one (from yesterday) was brilliant....
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I would need three of these dresses to cover me up. What do you think ? Would you buy one?...
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I am having problems getting in to do my Daily Wordsearch as there is a problem. I have taken a screen shot. Can someone tell me if the problem is "me" or "them". If the problem is at their end I will...
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I was reading conne's thread about Harvey and you mentioned the demonic animal that we know as cat. Do you have your own cat(s) now or are they just visiting opportunists? I watched the Secret World...
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wolf63 It would seem that it is a possibility....
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I found this on Facebook. :-)
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I have just purchased this and am planning on setting it up over the weekend. Step 1 entails me plugging one of the plugs to a Broadband...
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I have been having problems with my Wi-Fi in my house and have yet to find a solution - hopefully somebody can help me. My PC is attached to a cable modem. I attached a router to the modem with no...
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Hello I saw your avatar earlier and whilst browsing the internet I saw this and thought of you
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Conne - how is your doggie today? How are you? They are such a worry when they are ill. crisper - are they both back meowing yet? I have been back in the house for about half an hour and have been...
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I am up and awake due to an alarm clock malfunction. The alarm clock has now eaten his Felix and stomped off back to bed and I am still awake. I found this set of funny pictures - start the day with a...
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I can't enter this competition but have decided to post it just incase one of our legal beagles are interested. I was going to put it in the Law section but it really isn't a serious law question....
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I am sure (I think) that I read about the omentum on AB over the last day or so. Some years back I watched a TV programme about animals. A cat had caught its leg through its collar and had a big open...
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I have had a quick look and can't find this clip posted. This is the guy who helped to save the three young women that had been kidnapped in the US He seems like a nice bloke - in the right place at...
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I don't normally venture into News but couldn't help but show my fellow AB people this article that I have just read. I was bemused by the absurdity of the...
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Good morning to you all. I was wakened at silly o'clock and advised that my boss was starving as he hadn't eaten since last night. One sachet of Felix later he stomped off back to bed. No idea where...
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I have been having problems picking up my wi-fi signal in my bedroom. I use my mobile, MacBook and Kindle Fire there. Sometimes the signal is good and I can get on-line. Other times it says that I am...
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Just found this clip on YouTube. Policeman saves a guy who tries to commit suicide by jumping in front of a train. It could have gone badly but he saved the guy....
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I have just found this item on a forum related to Your Cat Magazine. Note: Jeffery LaCroix is a veterinarian with an office in Wilmington. He writes a column for the Morning Star called "From Paws to...
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Dear Mr Ed. We are flying the English flag today to celebrate St George's day. You will try and remember that the 30th of November is St Andrew's day. You forgot last year and I have a feeling that...

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