being the unstable character i am, i sometimes ask these horrid questions... but whats the easiest way to kill yourself, painless, easy access, fast dont tell me that lifes worth living, or someone is...
i need help, my girlfriend for 3 years is breaking up with me i am on the verge of suicide i tried to slice my wrists yesterday with a box cutter but didnt go deep enough due to the pain, someone tell...
Hi, can anyone help or advise me (i often tell myself im beyond help) I had a fight with my GF we have been together for 2 years and living together 2 years, have a good relationship etc etc, we had a...
I know there is no clear cut anwser to this question so if possible please just give me any ideas you may have... I would like to get insurance on a Mitsubishi FTO GR 2.0 V6, this is a 2 door sports...
Ive been looking at the Mitsubishi FTO as a next car, any thoughts In particular the GR version, I know the GPX Mivec is the top spec but I know this particular model has very high insurance etc etc,...
Hi, If anyone can advise me I would appreciate this alot, I would like to know how much my car is worth I have been on many websites but alot of them charge for valuation and frankley the valuation...
There are far too many FPS (based around miltary combat/alien invasion) in the games market, and sports games around... Frankley these games are repetitive and loosing their appeal..where are all the...
favourite supercar/s: My personal favourites: Ferrari F40 Lamborgini murceilago SV Lamborgini Diablo SV Ferrari enzo Mclaren F1 Pagani Zonda Ford GT40 - New version TVR Griffith TVR Tuscani Aston...
I am considerably overweight and having tried every diet under the sun and tragically failed, I had almost given up, thinking I was to remain a size 16 forever. Then I read an article on this new plan...