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Last one. Where prince said he could be seen running (with no hint of running) (6) _ O _ I _ G. JOKING? ROWING? TIA :)...
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Last 2. Church figure with shady past: he's seen in brothel (2,7) _ _ / _ A _ R _ C _. ST MAURICE??? Crossword setters are mostly unfashionable and need replacing (4,3) W _ A _ _ / O _ _ WEAR OUT??...
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Last one. Set off explosive in pursuit of bit of sediment here? (5,4) _ T _ I _ / M _ N _. STRIP MINE??? TIA :)...
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Last one. Notice how I've given free rein to a man (4,3,5)WITH ONE TOUCH??? W _ T _ / O _ E / _ O _ C _ . TIA :)...
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Last one. Nine getting into pastry, sliced for a do(5,3) _ I _ I _ / C _ T. TIA :)
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Almost done :) Exercise and hot drink proposed by Spooner (3.3) _ A _ / _ _ A. Are we looking for a spoonerism (LAP & TEA)???...
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A Rover's waxed, for starters, when money's seen around here! (3,4) CAR SHOW??? TIA :)
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Run into Brexiteer in wood (5) G _ _ _ _. Can't manage BRHC - a little minx. TIA :)
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To start with, Nicomachus died in his home with painful sickness (3,5) _ _ E / _ E _ D _. THE BENDS??? I have no idea. TIA :)...
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Tired, I cry about trendy street food (5,4) D _ R _ R / _ _ _ _. TIA :) Not too many English words fit the first word, I got 2, so something may be wrong :(
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Hellish character, government by the wealthy? Not half (5) P _ U _ _. TIA :)
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Cheat with a set of playing cards (5) _ _ I _ K. TIA :)
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Last one. Leaves tip? Everyman has (6) _ A _ I _ E. TIA :)
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Last one. Light gas without energy floats around tank to begin with (3-3) N _ N / _ A _ . TIA :)
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When topless man's announced? (3,5) Penultimate letter of 2nd word is 'H'. TIA :)
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Last one :) They're often presented at Christmas, films that few enjoy (7) T _ R _ E _ S. Several words fit, but can only make sense of 'TURKEYS' & 'TUREENS' but can't parse. TIA :)...
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President grandly dines, leading to gym session (5-3) P _ _ _ S / _ P _ . Thinking that 'SPA' is the 2nd word. TIA :)
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Intimidate and turn spy with touch (5,3) _ S _ F _ / O _ _. Not sure if first word is correct - looks like it's wrong. TIA :)
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Make call to your lady, answering initially with expression of disgust and roar (5,5) We have: B _ L _ Y / _ A _ G _. TIA :)...
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Last one :) Cope's poem, 'King, Before Noon, Rising (4,2) _ A _ E / _ O. Is it 'TAKE NO' or similar? TIA :)...

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